Sunday, March 27, 2011

Salam Mac 2011

The month of March or Cheesecake month. There seem to be a sudden surge of cheesecake orders for the month.

Snickers Caramel Choc Cheesecake : RM70.00

Below: 'nak 2 flavour jugak' .. duh!! so here it is, raspberry + snickers caramel choc cheesecake.

Below : Raspberry /blueberry cheesecakes: RM65.00

Above : Choc Moist :RM55.00 + edible image RM20.00

Above: Carrot walnut cake with cream cheese sprinkled with apple flavoured chocolate.

Above: Red Velvet Cake (what u get inside)

Above: Red Velvet with cream cheese topping.. slurp....RM ???Free sebenarnya. 'Gift Pack' diberi sempena 100 hari kembalinya ke rahmatullah Arwah Bapa Ismail dan 40 hari bapa mertua Arwah Sudano. Al fatihah.

Above: Everyone get to taste the Red Velvet Cake. (Ni yang dah penyet selepas packing, hehehe )

It should look like this....

Meanwhile.... the show has to go on.... hantaran orders for Epy and Fara. Tq Kak Baayah....

Gambar below: makan pavlova dengan office buddies kat 'Apartment' downtown KLCC. Slurp!!

Yg ni apa nama tah.. tapi ada 'something with a mess' sebab dia messy.. campur2 dgn stroberi.(Hehe org kampung bukan reti nk ckp omputih ni!)verdict : rasa sedap ....

yg ni chocolate pudding something... hehe.. sedap gak!!

Yg ni pun pavlova.... dengan fresh cream.. crunchy kat luar tp melt in the mouth, tah apa nama jugak lah !! Mak tunjuk jer kat menu.. nk yg ni

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kek kereta, jellycakes

Carrot walnut cakes -with Edible image deco

Novelty cakes, subaru imprezza 5 for hantaran

Chocolate moist with mickey on piping jelly deco


Jelly cakes